Pre-opening 26/07/2024
Paris Chicago
WheatUnchanged+1 cents
CornUnchanged to +1 €/t+1 cents
Rapeseed+1 €/t
Soybean-1 cents
Indexes 26/07/2024
€/$1,0860 $
Oil WTI77,16 $/b

Wheat (€/t)
Sept. 24217,25-2,50
Déc. 24225,25-2,00
Mars 25230,00-2,00
Mai 25233,25-1,25
Sept. 25229,75-0,25
Corn (€/t)
Août 24220,00-1,25
Nov. 24209,50-6,50
Mars 25213,75-5,75
Juin 25217,00-5,00
Août 25207,00-5,00
Rapeseed (€/t)
Août 24458,75-13,75
Nov. 24480,25-13,25
Févr. 25483,25-12,75
Mai 25483,00-11,00
Août 25459,25-6,50


Wheat (€/t) : 4000 lots
100Call Sept. 24220,00
820Call Sept. 24230,00
70Call Sept. 24240,00
200Call Sept. 24245,00
834Call Déc. 24228,00
3Call Déc. 24229,00
30Call Déc. 24230,00
100Call Déc. 24240,00
100Call Déc. 24250,00
20Put Sept. 24215,00
400Put Sept. 24219,00
1020Put Sept. 24220,00
303Put Déc. 24220,00
Corn (€/t) : 0 lots
Rapeseed (€/t) : 1670 lots
45Call Nov. 24490,00
20Call Nov. 24505,00
10Call Nov. 24510,00
1Call Nov. 24530,00
25Call Mai 25480,00
25Call Mai 25505,00
2Call Mai 25530,00
750Put Nov. 24440,00
750Put Nov. 24460,00
10Put Nov. 24485,00
7Put Nov. 24492,50
25Put Mai 25460,00

Wheat (¢/b)
Sept. 24523,5000-15,0000
Déc. 24548,5000-14,7500
Mars 25569,0000-15,0000
Mai 25581,0000-14,7500
Juil. 25586,7500-14,0000
Corn (¢/b)
Sept. 24394,5000-11,2500
Déc. 24410,0000-10,7500
Mars 25424,5000-10,5000
Mai 25435,0000-10,2500
Juil. 25442,7500-9,7500
Soybean (¢/b)
Août 241077,5000-44,2500
Sept. 241042,0000-34,2500
Nov. 241048,5000-33,0000
Janv. 251064,0000-31,5000
Mars 251076,0000-29,0000
Soy meal ($/st)
Août 24353,3000-1,0000
Sept. 24334,3000-1,4000
Oct. 24323,2000-4,3000
Déc. 24324,7000-5,2000
Janv. 25325,4000-5,5000
Soy oil (¢/lb)
Août 2443,6600-2,1900
Sept. 2443,0100-2,1800
Oct. 2442,3000-2,2100
Déc. 2441,8300-2,2700
Janv. 2541,8500-2,1800


Physical (€/t)
You can now find the prices for the Wheat delivered Rouen - (July basis) in the Argus AgriMarkets report
Durum wheat delivered La Pallice Spot - July 2024 basis300,00+0,00
Corn delivered Bordeaux Spot - July 2023 basis210,00-2,00
Corn FOB Rhin Spot - July 2023 basis215,00-2,00
Feed barley delivered Rouen - July 2024 basis190,00-3,00
Malting barley FOB Creil Spot - July 2024 basis259,00+0,00
Rapessed FOB Moselle Spot - Flat - 2024 harvest488,00+1,00
Oleic sunseed delivered St Nazaire Spot - Flat - 2023 harvest470,00+0,00
Feed peas FOB Creil Spot - August 2024 basis295,00+0,00


Analysis 26/07/2024

European market

Depressed the previous day due to the economic slowdown in China, the macro-economic context improved yesterday.  US growth in Q2 2024 was 2.8% year-on-year, well above the 2.1% expected. Financial markets have recovered slightly as a result. The larger-than-expected drop in weekly oil inventories in the United States is supporting a slight rebound in crude oil.

The oilseed sector, which had been very depressed the previous day, recovered slightly yesterday. Against this backdrop, Euronext November 2024 rapeseed, after losing up to -9.25 €/t in yesterday's session, managed to close +0.75 €/t higher at 493.50 €/t. It should be noted that the August 2024 maturity is in a class of its own on the downside, mainly driven by position closings as it expires on Wednesday July 31.

The wheat market remains more distant from macro-economic upheavals, focusing yesterday on the dominance and competition from Black Sea origins. With few new elements on the French harvest, prices continued to ease yesterday, giving up -4.00 €/t to 227.25 €/t at the close on Euronext's September 2024 maturity. Corn falls in sympathy with wheat. 

Yesterday, the European Commission published its new estimates for 2024/2025 for the EU27:

Soft wheat production 120.8 Mt vs 121.9 Mt last month and stocks 10.7 Mt vs 13.1 Mt last month
Barley production 52.7 Mt vs 53.4 Mt last month
Corn production 62.9 Mt vs 64.8 Mt last month
Rapeseed production 18.4 Mt vs 18.8 Mt last month

American market

Warm, dry weather in the western Corn Belt over the next few weeks is gradually stimulating discussions among US operators, and in particular is beginning to stimulate buybacks by funds with record shorts in corn and soybeans to date. 

These markets are also supported by good weekly export sales. In corn, 745,200 t were sold over the new 2024/2025 campaign, above expectations, as were soybeans, with 829,700 t over 2024/2025, above expectations. 

While corn and soybean exports are strengthening, US wheat exports, which have been booming in recent weeks, are slowing sharply. Weekly sales of 309,300 t of wheat fell to the bottom of expectations, disconcerting operators. Added to this is the prospect of a very good spring wheat crop in the United States, reinforced by this week's crop tour results from the Wheat Quality Council. North Dakota spring wheat yields for 2024 are expected to be the highest since 1992, at 54.5 bushels per acre.

Yesterday, funds were buying corn and soybeans, and selling wheat. Note that this is the 5th consecutive session of buying by funds on corn. 

Black Sea market

To follow price trends in Russia on a daily basis, request full access to the AgriMarkets report on the Black Sea basin by clicking here